Register now for OSC23®

Registration is now open for the 2023 Ohio Safety Congress & Expo® (OSC23®)! OSC23® returns live and in-person to the Greater Columbus Convention Center March 8-10.
A select number of educational sessions will be livestreamed, offering the flexibility to attend how you choose. Visit the OSC23® website to register for the event.
With over 100 educational sessions from leading experts and nearly 200 exhibitors waiting to connect in the Expo Marketplace, there is something for everyone at OSC23®.
Join representatives from employers and government across the country to discover strategies and tools for a healthy, safe, and productive workforce.
OSC23® offers topics on:
- Business strategies.
- Construction safety.
- Governance and regulatory.
- Government employee safety.
- Leadership and professional development.
- Manufacturing safety.
- Safety management systems.
- Technology and innovations.
- Total Worker Health.
- Workers’ compensation.
Registration is free, so invite your colleagues and tag us @OhioBWC using #OSC23. We’ve got you covered!