156 – Winning at Change and Transition in Your Career – with Gary Wilkin

We all face times of change and transition – perhaps especially to retirement. What does that look like and how do we best prepare?

Gary Wilkin is a Licensed Ziglar Coaching System Professional who combines his 40+ years in corporate America with the Ziglar philosophy to guide seasoned professionals through the transition from corporate careers to what’s next in their lives.

We Discuss:

  • The keys to transitioning from our careers to ‘post-corporate’ life
  • Retirement, self-employment, or volunteering
  • Determining what you really want to become and why
  • A simple step-by-step approach to getting started
  • What is Loss of Identity?

Gary’s Top Tips:

  • Understand the power of choice – consciously choosing what you want to be, do, and have allows you to craft a life of meaning and purpose
  • To transform your life you need 3 things:
    • 1. Desire – a clear vision of what you want to become
    • 2. Hope – the belief that becoming that person will give your life meaning and purpose
    • 3. Grit – Identifying and working relentlessly to develop the skills, knowledge, attitude and habits to become the person you desire

Gary’s TWO Special Offers!

  • Free 20-minute call to discover how you can create more “I want to” moments in your life.
  • Sign up for free ‘Stronger Action Guide’ to help you create a victory mindset and take action even during the toughest times
  • Both available at www.MyRetirementMission.com

Get in Touch with Gary Wilkin:

Web: www.myretirementmission.com

Email: gary@myretirementmission.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/garywilkin/